Our Programs

Women Empowerment

Women Empowerment refers to the process that ignites power in women to live respectfully in a society and are able to access opportunities in a variety of fields like education, lifestyle and so forth, without limitations. It is increase status by education, awareness, literary and training and authority to take decisions. Empowerment of women is overall development of a country. A country where both men and women are earning develop at faster rate. Abuyudaaya empowers females from within through creating awareness on various issues through which they can be empowered physically, mentally, socially and economically. We have presently two programs for females:  Awareness on Menstrual Health and Hygiene  Supporting with job opportunities for semiskilled and unskilled females.

Integrated Community Development

Adopt a Village, Abuyudaaya gives an opportunity to every individuals to own a village by adopting a village through bringing more development and adding the value to people’s life. Owning a village gives individuals an immense pleasure to work for the rural community and do the developments required for the village/s. Each and Every person interested to do something good for the communities/ society can adopt a village by sponsoring for the activities and can be part of the activities if He / She has time to spend with villagers. You can be part of it in sharing happiness with the rural India by adopting a village. If you are interested kindly contact us to adopt a village and develop it. Adopting village includes the supporting for education, agriculture, skills development, health and hygiene issues.

Environment Sustainability

Investing in nature is key to mitigate climate change. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report points to strong and sustained reductions in emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and to limit climate change. With industrialization, the carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere has reached 418 ppm from 280ppm during the pre-industrial era. This has resulted in global warming with an increase in temperature of 0.2 degree Celsius every decade. A rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide and a consequent increase in the atmospheric temperature is worrisome. United Nations is committed to limit the rise in the global average temperature to 1.5 degrees that of pre-industrial era. The only way to prevent exceeding the threshold set up by the UN, is by urgently stepping up our efforts, by bringing more area under tree cover.

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